Why You Should not Clip Parrots' wings

1. They cannot escape danger. If you have other pets such as dogs and cats they cannot escape them. If they land on a hot pan they will certainly get burned badly because they cannot fly away when they feel the heat.  

2. They can become stressed from not being able to fly. They can also feel anxious or depressed from it. They will be happier if they know they can fly. 

3. They can't get enough exercise. Climbing and walking around will not be enough. In order for a happy, healthy, fit parrot they need to fly. Birds can become obese, Budgies, Amazon Parrots, African Grey Parrots, and monk Parakeets especially. 

Image result for obese parrot  
Obese Budgie

4. It is cruel. You are taking an adaption that took millions of years to perfect and is practically essential. It is close to taking the ability to use fingers from a person. 

5. The harm of clipping outweighs the benefits. For example, my bird used to bump into windows when he was young but he learned not to after some time. He is now very agile while flying, he is a Plum-headed Parakeet and he can fly through a gap of 3 inches. I have watched him fly backwards and sideways. Budgies can fly faster than a hawk. Macaws can glide though the thick jungle. Do not take this ability from them. 
