Toxic foods

             Foods that are Toxic or Unhealthy for Birds

          Avocados are poisonous to birds because they contain a very high fat content and that causes liver problems in birds. Foods with a high salt are poisonous because it hurts their kidneys. Chocolate is toxic to birds because it contains caffeine and Theobromine which causes vomiting and diarrhea. Dry rice and beans are bad because if they eat the rice or beans when they are dry, then the rice will expand in their stomachs. Dairy because they are they are lactose intolerant. Apple seeds and fruit pits because they contain small amounts of cyanide. Coffee or anything containing caffeine because it increases their heartbeat and also can cause seizures.  Onions because they contain sulfur so they can cause anemia and possibly ulcers. Mushrooms are bad for birds because they cause digestion problems and liver failure.  Raw honey because it has

         This is a link to a site which tells you what to do if a parrot ate one of these:

Image result for apple seedsImage result for chocolateImage result for mushrooms
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