5 of the Rarest Parrots

  • The Spix Macaw is the rarest parrot in the world. They are extinct in the wild but there are almost one hundred in captivity. They are critically endangered.Image result for spix macaw
  • The Night Parrot which lives in Queensland, Australia and they were thought to be extinct for many years. They are called Night Parrots because they are nocturnal. The exact population of the birds is unknown. They are endangered. 
  • The Echo Parakeet lives on a small island of of Madagascar called Mauritius. They were also considered extinct. There are only about 320 birds left in the wild. To help the species, they breed with the Rose - ringed Parakeet, the closest species. They are endangered.

  • The Swift Parakeet lives in Australia and is considered critically endangered. There are about 1000 left in Tasmania. They are decreasing due to habitat loss and predators. Related image
  •   The Kakapo lives in New Zealand and is considered as critically endangered. There are about 100 left in the wild. They are large and flightless.Related image
