The genus Amazona consists of 31 species of parrots most commonly called Amazon Parrots. Turquoise-fronted, Yellow-crowned, and Yellow-headed Amazon are the most common as pets and they are common because they are known for their talking and singing ability. The Turquoise Fronted Amazon, Yellow crowned Amazon, Red Lored Amazon, Orange winged Amazon, Scaly naped Amazon, Vinaceous-breasted Amazon are least concern but their population is decreasing. The Yellow Headed Amazon, Red crowned Amazon, Lilac Headed Amazon, Yellow Naped Amazon are endangered and their population is decreasing. The Yellow Lored Amazon is least Concern and their population is stable. The Southern mealy Amazon, Rose-throated Amazon, Blue Cheeked Amazon, Festive Amazon are Near Threatened and their population is decreasing. The White fronted Amazon is least Concern and increasing in population. The Yellow billed Amazon, Hispaniolan Amazon, Black Billed Amazon, Tucuman Amazon, and the Red speckled Amazon, Red browed Amazon are Vulnerable and is decreasing in population. The Puerto Rican Amazon is Critically Endangered and the population trend is unknown. The Red tailed Amazon is Near Threatened but increasing in population. The Yellow Shouldered Amazon is Vulnerable and the population trend is unknown. The Kawall's Amazon is Near Threatened and their population is stable. The Saint Lucia Amazon, Red necked Amazon, and the Saint Vincent Amazon are Vulnerable but their population is increasing. The Imperial Amazon is Endangered but their population is increasing.
Turquoise fronted Amazon - Amazona aestiva

Yellow crowned Amazon - Amazona ochrocephala
Yellow Headed Amazon - Amazona oratrix

Yellow Lored Amazon - Amazona xantholora

Red crowned or Green-Cheeked Amazon - Amazona viridigenalis

Lilac Headed Amazon - Amazona finschi

Red Lored Amazon - Amazona autumnalis

Southern mealy Amazon - Amazona farinosa

Orange winged Amazon - Amazona amazonica

White fronted Amazon - Amazona albifrons

Yellow Naped Amazon - Amazona auropalliata

Cuban or Rose-throated Amazon - Amazona leucocephala
Yellow billed Amazon - Amazona collaria

Hispaniolan Amazon - Amazona ventralis

Puerto Rican Amazon - Amazona vittata

Black Billed Amazon - Amazona agilis
Tucuman Amazon - Amazona tucumana

Red speckled Amazon - Amazona pretrei

Blue Cheeked Amazon - Amazona dufresniana

Red browed Amazon - Amazona rhodocorytha

Festive Amazon - Amazona festiva

Yellow Shouldered Amazon - Amazona barbadensis

Kawall's Amazon - Amazona kawalli

Scaly naped Amazon - Amazona mercenarius

Vinaceous-breasted Amazon - Amazona vinacea

Saint Lucia Amazon - Amazona versicolor

Red necked Amazon - Amazona arausiaca

Saint Vincent Amazon - Amazona guildingi

Imperial Amazon - Amazona imperialisi

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